Simple Way


  • Combining our servers with the Microsoft AZURE hybrid cloud
  • Working with BIG DATA (research and analysis department)
  • Looking for external financing sources
  • We work on developing internal systems, also using artificial intelligence


Due to the need to quickly adapt the IT systems to the evolving demand of the market, we have developed our own TMS. This way, Simple Way remains open to systems that exchange data with different scopes and for different business partners. This allows us to act independently and shortens the decision chain in the development of IT systems.

Simple Way prioritises continuous development without compromising data privacy.


We have introduced fully electronic document circulation inside the company. By 2025, we will be ready for automatic invoicing, the electronic carrier management system and full integration with the accounting and reporting systems of our business partners.

Big Data & Cloud

By automating processes using smart cloud solutions and BIG DATA resources, we gain new knowledge that lets us adapt our services to the needs of the market, improve security and scale our operations.

Artificial intelligence

We are working with new technologies such as machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) because this is the only right way to build a business model for the next few years…

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